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June, 17, 2013
Erdynskie games 2013

The famous sport ethno-cultural festival - Erdynskie games occur soon from 14 to 16 of June. Traditionally, The games take place near Erd mountain. This celebration had carried out until the 17-18th century, after a long interval, in July 2000, the games were revived again. Currently, the festival is held with the aim to promote culture and language of the natives. During the festival, like in the old days, there are the national sports competitions: wrestling, tug of war, the Buryat national struggle, throwing stones, the speed race around the mountain Erd, the Yakut national jumping, jumps on Buryat horses.

Les commentaires récentes

Le bonne companie, personel qui est r?agit vite, a tout ce don vous avet besoine. Et de communiquer avec les voisinns - contingean...

Quelle est belle place! Il ya beaucoup de possibilit?s daccommandations. Lhotel est tr?s propre, comfortable ... Les gens sont tr?...

+8°Csans nuages
sans précipitation
vent NW 4 m/s
Dans la soirée +5°C
Dans la nuit 0°C

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Ekaterina, responsable du développement et de réservation