
Irkutsk str.Zhelyabova, 23A\1

Tel. / Fax: (3952) 240065.



The way from the bus station "Kirov Square":

Walk along Zhelyabova str., you will pass a pizzeria, a circus, a bank, the intersection with str. Kalandrashvili, in 50 meters you will see a small yard on the left and a sign "Irkutsk Hostel".

Public transport

From the Airport to the bus station "Kirov Square"

  • buses: № 80, № 90
  • minibus: № 95
  • trolleybus: № 4

From the railway station to the bus station "Kirov Square"

  • buses: № 80, № 77
  • bus: № 95

From the bus station to the bus stop "Kirov Square"

  • bus: № 64
  • by foot the way from the bus station to the Hostel Irkutsk takes 10-15 minutes. Walk along str. October Revolution, cross str. Karla Marks, go straight to the same side on str. Dekabrskie Sobitya, go further to str. Zhelyabova turn to the left. After 50 meters on the right is "Irkutsk Hostel".


Landmarks: Circus, Kirov Square, shopping center "Season", str. Karl Marks.

Last comments

very clean good location friendly staff the receptionists english is good
Luis Prieto

Nice hostel, the staff are very good and help about the turistic options, to visit Baikal, city tours. One of the best hostels tha...

+80°Fmostly clear
no precipitation
wind E 4 mph
In the evening +75°F
At night +64°F

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Ekaterina, development manager and booking