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March, 30, 2015

Every year on May Day celebrations thousands of outdoor enthusiasts gather at the direction of the rivers White Irkut and Muguvek to participate in a high holiday.

To pospast to this wonderful place needs to get to the village of Mondy and on to the bridge at the confluence of the White Irkut and Irkut, the road depending on the type of transport takes about 5-8 hours. Next couple of hours on foot, on a snowmobile or ski touring to the "Arrows" and you are there.

Munch on the ridge line-Sardyk the border of Russia and Mongolia. Under existing rules, a visit to the border area, which includes the ridge Munch-Sardyk, drawn up in advance at Border Service.

The main purpose of the rest - the ascent to the highest point of the Eastern Sayan Munku - Sardyk (in the lane. Buryat "eternally white"). Its height is 3491 meters above sea level. The route goes along the frozen river beds, through the ice falls, moraines and glacier preapical rocky ridge. It is available to anyone with a good physical training and the availability of special equipment. Awards for their efforts when lifting - the feeling of victory and the beautiful view of the lake HB Sugul.

However, Mr. Munku- Sardyk not the only interesting place for acclimatization perfect radial walk up to the pass of contrast, on the mountain or g.Obzornuyu Katka- fool.

Fans of freeride fun time rolling last May snow.

Climbers hone climbing technique.

In the evenings under the stars lovers of bard songs and singing around the campfire.

The tradition of visiting these places began almost 150 years ago, and every year the number of people increases. After all, everyone will find something for everyone here, make new friends, and thrills guaranteed accurate.

Tour to Baikal Railway
Circum貝加爾鐵路 - 人造湖的主要景點,一個紀念碑,建築和工程,以及與美麗的大自然的地方。

Excursion to Listvyanka
A day excursion to the tourist capital of Baikal. You will see the mysterious Shaman Rock, adorable seal, Limnological Museum and unforgettable beauty of the great lake.

Excursion in Irkutsk
A sightseeing tour through the historical center of Irkutsk. It is great opportunity to get acquainted with the history of the city and an ancient architectural complex.

Fishing tour
Lake Baikal has 52 different species of fish among which lenok, taimen, pike and perch. Baikal fishing is one of the best ways to enjoy the nature away from crowded places.

风 E 2 m/s
夜间 +18°C
早上 +19°C





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